
Data evento: 
Venerdì, 10 Novembre, 2023 - 10:00
Annuncio seminario di Biofotonica al Dipartimento SBAI
Il Prof. Benjamin L. Miller della University of Rochester, NY, USA terrà il seguente seminario:
Title: Building the interface between the universe of molecules and data with optical sensors
Il seminario si terrà Venerdì 10 Novembre 2023 alle ore 10.00 nell'Aula 1B1 Pal. RM002, ex Palazzina B, Via A. Scarpa 16.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati ad intervenire.
While our world runs on digital data, analog networks of DNA, RNA, proteins, and other molecules govern human health and disease, and our interactions with the outside world. This has become particularly apparent in the past two years, as concepts of viral and antibody testing have became common conversation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to detect molecules of interest, measure their concentrations, and convert those measurements into data that can be accessed digitally, we need the appropriate interface: a sensor.
Developing a reliable and versatile optical sensor system requires advances in chemistry, materials science, optics, and the fabrication technologies to make it all work “at scale”, in a format that can go beyond the laboratory and into the commercial sphere. This talk will begin by describing the development of one optical sensor platform and its use in understanding the human immune response to COVID-19  vaccination and infection.
As a second application, we are integrating optical sensors with in vitro microfluidic tissue models, deemed “tissue chips”, “organs-on-chips”, or “microphysiological systems” (MPS). These seek to replicate the complexity of living organisms in a low-cost format suitable for high-throughput experimentation, and have recently been approved by the FDA as replacements for animal testing in the drug discovery process. We have integrated our photonic sensors with two different MPS, and are beginning to study their utility in the context of on-chip clinical trials and patient-centric drug discovery.
Prof. Benjamin L. Miller Biography
Benjamin L. Miller received his undergraduate degrees from Miami University (Ohio) in Chemistry (B.S.), Mathematics (A.B.), and German (A.B.) in 1988, and a Ph. D. in Chemistry in 1994 from Stanford University. Following a stint as an NIH postdoctoral fellow at Harvard, he joined the University of Rochester faculty in 1996. He is currently Dean’s Professor of Dermatology, Biochemistry and Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science, and Optics. His laboratory works on novel optical chem- and biosensors, with particular interests in integrated photonics and sensors for cost- and resource-sensitive applications. Miller served as the Academic Lead for Integrated Photonic Sensors in AIM Photonics.He is a Fellow of the AAAS, Optica, and AIMBE, and is a member of the National Academy of Inventors. He is also an active entrepreneur, having founded 5 companies to date based on his group’s research.
Lavoro in collaborazione con Francesco Michelotti, Alberto Sinibaldi, Agostino Occhicone.


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